Dress: hand me down from my bff [
Sandals: Target, gift carded [
Necklace: Forever 21 $9 [
Purse: Garage Sale $2 [
Total Outfit Cost: $11
All my life I have HATED the color orange! I honestly don't think I've owned anything orange until this dress. Actually, I lie. There was this one time in 4th grade when the cool kids wore orange, so I had my mom get me a fleece orange pull over sweatshirt. #foreveradork. Lately, I am loving the color orange though! I got another orange dress at the Goodwill about a month or so ago (which I gotta get an outfit photo of soon). I even bought Larry an orange shirt the other day! So now that I have this new found love for orange, help me out... what colors go with orange other than turquoise?