How far along? 15 weeks + 2 days
Baby is the size of a: Pear
Total weight gain: -2 lbs from pre-pregnancy weight
Maternity clothes? Only bottoms.
Sleep: Two thumbs down. I've always been a side sleeper. Always. But now that I HAVE to sleep on my side, all I want to do is sleep on my back! I read that you shouldn't sleep on your back in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, and ever since then I wake up multiple times per night ON MY BACK and I stress out, but my side hasn't been comfortable lately. My snoogle pillow wasn't helping quite at first, but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it now.
Best moment this week: Thrifting with mom on Monday. Baby even scored a few goodies- some books and little toys! I can't wait to be able to buy clothes!
Miss Anything? Not having to belch constantly after I eat.
Cravings: None.
Symptoms: OhmyGod. I have been hungry every 2-3 hours. And not like eat a snack hungry. HUNGRY like I need to eat 5 full meals a day hungry. I guess this is when I start packing on the pounds!
Looking forward to: My appointment next week! I can't wait to hear baby's heart beat again! Music to my ears<3
Not sleeping is the pits! I'm a stomach sleeper and although sleeping on my side is getting better I really don't like it. I've read about sleeping on your back too, I'd wouldn't worry too much, God has you covered 😀
ReplyDeleteLOVE the itty bitty bump! I always got so excited when I finally started to show. It's like I wanted to rest of the world to be able to see my joy too :)
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't stress about sleeping on your back too much. It's really only an issue later in pregnancy when the baby is getting bigger. It's the weight of the baby that puts pressure so the first trimester isn't really a big deal. And even as you get further along, you'll KNOW when you'e not in a good sleeping position. When I found myself laying on my back later in pregnancy the weight was uncomfortable and I began to naturally avoid laying my back. It's like your mama instinct and natures way of keeping baby safe. So don't let yourself stress or panic, baby will be just fine :)