How far along? 20 weeks + 2 days. Halfway there to meeting our baby girl!!
Baby is the size of a: Mango. Last week at the ultrasound they said she was 11oz.
Total weight gain: Guesstimating about 5ish lbs. I'll find out on Thursday at my appointment.
Maternity clothes? Bottoms and a few tops!
Sleep: Not that bad, but could be better! Been waking up 2x a night to pee -__-
Movement? I'm starting to feel her moving around, especially at night when I'm going to bed. I love it.
Cravings: None.
Symptoms: Frequent urination for suuure. Indigestion is still worst at night. Oh and probably TMI but if I hold it and sneeze I almost pee on myself. No more holding it!!
Nursery: Baby girl's Mawmaw Nay and Pawpaw Kev came over this weekend to repaint her room. Mawmaw painted it a few months ago, but the gray color came out ugly. It looks SO much better now, and it's the perfect gray.
Best moment this week: Feeling her kick for the 1st time!! I was laying on the couch Monday night and I could feel her being active and moving around so I was holding my hand over my belly. After a few minutes, I finally felt a tiny little kick! She wouldn't do it again for her daddy though haha.
It's going so quickly!! :) XO -Alexandra
ReplyDeleteSimply Alexandra: My Favorite Things
Halfway there! I'm glad to hear you're still feeling good overall! Have you guys decided on a name yet? That dress is adorable by the way!
ReplyDeleteAwesome blog post, Thanks a ton for sharing such stuff.